family dysfunction:

Cards (2)

    • Evidence linking family dysfunction to schizophrenia
    • Indicators of family dysfunction include insecure attachment and exposure to childhood trauma, especially abuse
    • According to a review by Read et al adults with schizophrenia are disproportionately likely to have insecure attachment, particularly Type C or D.
    • Reported that 69% of women and 59% of men with schizophrenia have a history of physical and/or sexual abuse
    This strongly suggests that family dysfunction makes people more vulnerable to schizophrenia
    • Poor evidence base for any of the explanations
    • Although there is plenty of evidence supporting the idea that childhood family-based stress is associated with adult schizophrenia, there is almost none to support the importance of traditional family-based theories such as the schizophrenogenic mother and double bind
    • Both these theories are based on clinical observation of people with schizophrenia and also informal assessment of their mothers' personalities, but not systematic evidence
    Have not been able to account for the link between childhood trauma and schizophrenia.