The climate is Mediterranean, so it has hot summers and mild, warm winters (Coastal temperatures reach 40 degrees C in coastal city of Sousse)
It is close to Europe so it is accessible, while it was a French colony so the people speak French making it popular with French-speaking tourists
It contains 7UNESCO World Heritage sites including ancient remains of the city of Carthage
It has many diverse physical landscapes, from coastal areas to mountains and the Saharan Desert. Star Wars was shot in parts of the desert, attracting fans of the films
Cheap package holidays are available since package holidays were introduced in the 1960s - the government worked with companies like ThomasCook to turn it into a tourist destination
How tourism in Tunisia has helped to reduce the development gap
Was an LIC before 1970s, development of tourism has helped to diversify country's economy so it isn't just based on agriculture (farming)
Incomes quadrupled in 1970s partially due to tourism, meaning better diets and health increased lifeexpectancy
Literacy rates have increased from 66% to 79% since 1995 as more families can afford to send their children to school and even university
Exposure to other cultures and connections with other places have increased which has changed attitudes towards girls; school is now compulsory for them and so women are more educated and are now going to university too