The Freikorps was a right-wing group made up of 250,000armedex-soldiers.
Led by Dr Wolfgang Kapp, the Freikorps marched on Berlin, causing Weimar
ministers to flee.
The government told trade unions to strike and cause chaos – it was impossible
for Kapp to keep control.
Kapp fled Berlin and the Weimar ministers returned
In 1920, after the crushing of the left, Ebert tried to reduce the size of the army and disband the Freikorps, causing uproar.d.
The leader of the Freikorp and Berlin politician Wolfgang Kapp then took the government buildings using the army. They declared a new right wing government. The Weimar government fled to Dresden and ordered the army to stop the Putsch (armed takeover) but they refused.
Ebert then called on the workers of Berlin to not support the putsch and go on strike, the workers supported this and agreed. The Kapp Putsch failed but despite 400 army officers being involved, very few were punished