Measuring daisy population
1. Place 30 m tape measure across school field to form transect line
2. Place 1m2 quadrat against transect line at 0 m mark
3. Count number of daisy plants within quadrat
4. Record number of daisies in table
5. Move quadrat 5 m up transect line and count daisies again
6. Continue placing quadrat at 5 m intervals and counting daisies
7. Calculate mean number of daisy plants per m2 for trampled area
8. Move tape measure to un-trampled part of field for new transect line
9. Place quadrat at 5 m intervals and count daisies
10. Record daisies in table
11. Calculate mean number of daisy plants per m2 for un-trampled area
12. Compare daisy population size between trampled and un-trampled areas