safe water improves people's lives as they are no longer ill to work, children can go to school and women can work instead of spending all day fetching water.
1 in 9 people in the world do not have access to safe water
corruption perception index grades the quality of governments from 0 (highly corrupt) to 100 (very clean) as determined by expert assessments and opinion surveys
the gini coefficent is expressed as a ratio from 0 to 1 where 0 means everyone has the same income and there is no inequality and 1 means one person has all the income and there is complete inequality.
- in london and south east england, people usually have a higher standard of living as they are close to the capital so there are more jobs and built up areas
- london has the highest GDP£21, 446(above average)
- northern ireland has lowest GDP£13, 902(below average)
how does landlocked v coastal countries impact global inequalities?
countries that do not have a coastline may have difficulties trading goods and therefore rely on the goodwill of their neighbours to allow them to transport goods
- european powers such as theUK, france, holland and spainexpanded their territories around the world and imposed unfair trading restrictions in these countriesindia, cameroon and liberia
- countries with stable governments develop more quickly
- if countries are at war, more of their income will be spent on the military rather than development
- corruption can also be a major factor in development as money may be diverted from development schemes to go into the pockets of those who rule the country
- neo-colonialism; less economically developed countries still tend to sell primary products and materials to more economically developed countries where they are processes and manufactured and sold for a higher value
how has social investment impacted global inequalities?
countries that have invested in education and healthcare have generally developed faster. as the countries develop, fertility rates decline as more woman are educated about birth control