Simple media (routinely used in the lab and without added supplement, ex. Nutrient Agar (NA) and broth, TSB)
Enrichment media (used to propagate the growth of certain microorganisms, ex. Alkaline peptone water, Selenite F, BCYE, TMA)
Enriched media (with added supplement necessary for growth of organism, solid type media, ex. BAP, CAP, CAP with horse blood)
Differential media (allows visualization of metabolic differences between group of species of bacteria, ex. Mac Conkey, BAP, EMB, HE Agar)
Selective media (incorporated with antibiotics or inhibitory substances to inhibit growth of other organisms while promoting the growth of the desired organism, ex. HE agar, Mac Conkey, XLD Agar, Bismuth Sulfite Agar, MSA (7.5% salt))
Special media (to isolate specific type of bacteria, ex. LJ medium, TCBS)