wilson and kelling

Subdecks (1)

Cards (20)

  • aim
    outline how the features of a neighborhood can influence crime rates, the changing roles of police and strategies for maintaining order
  • method
    article with three sections
    • safe neighborhoods
    • changing role of the police
    • maintaining order
  • procedure - foot patrol officers
    kelling walked with newark foot patrol officers through run down areas
    the role of the officers could be enforcing the law and taking informal steps to protect the neighborhood rules for public order
    officers knew who regulars were
    saw his role as keeping an eye on strangers and making sure the disreputable regulars observed some informal but widely understood rules
  • procedure - broken windows
    where people do not care for their property there is a breakdown of community controls
    neighborhood becomes an inhospitable place
    many residents will think that crime is on the rise and keep off the streets ands wish to move away
  • procedure - community controls
    cases of disorderliness weakened the interaction between people and community controls
    the police role in maintaining order is to reinforce the informal control mechanisms in the community itself
  • AO2
    believed that the role of the police changed from maintaining order to detecting ands apprehending criminals
    suggestions on how to ensure police treat people fairly (informal social control methods and employ citizens controls)
    private security guards and hire off duty police officers to patrol their buildings
    encouraging patrol officers to use public transport and enforce roles in drinking and disorderly conducts
    police should protect communities ands individuals