learner-centered but focused on morality. Moral Development Theory
How many Levels and Stages of Moral Development theory?
Three levels
six stages
What is the first level of moral development according to Lawrence Kohlberg's theory? Preconventional Level
The second level of moral development, according to Lawrence Kohlberg’s theory, is called what? Conventional Level
The third level of moral development, according to Lawrence Kohlberg’s theory, is called what? Postconventional Level
In the preconventional stage, people are motivated by what? Punishment or reward.
In the postconventional stage, people are motivated by what? Principles and values that transcend social conventions.
In the conventional stage, people are motivated by what? Social norms and expectations.
Which stage of moral development does an individual reach when they are able to understand that rules exist because society has agreed upon them as necessary for social harmony? Stage 3
According to Lawrence Kohlberg, which of these stages represents the highest level of moral reasoning? Postconventional Stage
Which stage of moral development does an individual reach when they can see the value of laws and rules even if they do not agree with them personally? Stage 4
Level 1 - Pre-conventional
Stage 1: Punishment/Obedience
Stage 2: Instrumental Relativist Orientation or also known as Mutual Benefit
In what stage does the child afraid to steal because of punishment?
In what stage does a child do things because there is an exchange favors?
Level 2 - Conventional
Stage 3: Good boy, Nice Girl or also known as social approval
Stage 4: Law and Order
people at this level conform to the conventions / rules of a society
maglimpyo ko kay para ingnan ko ni mama na buoton ko
good boy, nice girl
dapat mu follow ko sa rules
law and order
In what levels that they the moral principle are being understood?
Level 3 - Post-conventional
Stage 5: Social Contract
Stage 6: Universal Ethical Principles (UEP)
examples kay kanang mag protest
Social contract
Dire kay naa nay conscience ug naa na sila ilahang prinsipyo.
Universal Ethical Principle
It is an ambiguous situation that requires a person to make a moral decision. Moral Dilemma
Example ni Kohlberg sa moral dilemme is what?
Heinz Dilemma
He proposed metacognition (John Flavell)
Three categories of Metacognitive Knowledge
Person variables
Task Variables
Strategy variables
refers to knowledge about how human beings learn and process information, as well as individual knowledge of one's own learning process; thinking process, learning styles, study habit. person variables
knowledge about the nature of the task; level of task, 5W's and 2 H's
task variables
involve awareness of the strategy you are using to learn a topic and evaluating whether this strategy is effective. eg. in order for you to learn kay always nimu gina repeat and context, maminaw ka music para maka learn etc. Strategy variables
the awareness of specific strategies so that you can keep your attention focused on the topic or task - meta-attention
your awareness of memory strategies that work best for you. eg. para maka memorize ko kay ginabalik naku basa ang mga word para ma retain siya - meta-memory