In this context stress simply means a negative experience.
States both a vulnerability to schizo and an stress-trigger are necessary in order to develop the disorder
One or more underlying factors make a person particularly vulnerable to developing schizophrenia but the onset of the condition is triggered by stress
The diathesis-stress model:
Meehl's model:
In the original diathesis-stress model (Meehl) diathesis was entirely genetic, the result of a single'schizogene
Led to the idea of a biologically based schizotypic personality, one characteristic of which is sensitivity to stress
According to Meehl if a person does not have the schizogene then noamount of stress would lead to schizophrenia
However, in carriers of the gene, chronicstress through childhood, in particular the presence of a schizophrenogenic mother, could result in the development of the disorder
Modern understanding of diathesis
Understanding diathesis has changed as now its clear that manygenes appear to increasegeneticvulnerability only slightly, there is nosingle'schizogene' (Ripke et al)
Modernviews of diathesis include a range of factors beyond genetic including psychological trauma (Ingram and Luxton) trauma is the diathesis rather than the stressor
Read et al proposed neurodevelopmentalmodel in which earlytrauma ie childabuse, alters the brain by affecting aspects of braindevelopment
IE HPAsystem can become overactive making a them morevulnerable to later stress
Modern understanding of stress
OG diathesis-stress model seesstress as psychological in nature particular related to parenting
Stress includes that from parenting may still be important, a modern definition of stress includes anything that riskstriggering schizo (Houston et al)
Recent research into factorstriggering an episode has concernedcannabis
Terms of diathesis-stress model cannabis = stressor as it increases the risk by up to 7X according to dose
May be as it interferes with the DA system
Most ppl dont develop schizo after smokingpresumably to the lackvulnerabilityfactors