Behavioural approach explaining phobias

    Cards (8)

    • Classical conditioning
      Learning to associate a neutral stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus that triggers a fear response
    • Acquisition of phobias by classical conditioning
      1. Neutral stimulus paired with unconditioned stimulus that creates fear
      2. Neutral stimulus becomes conditioned stimulus that produces fear response
    • Classical conditioning experiment
      • Watson and Rayner created a phobia in 'Little Albert' by pairing a white rat (neutral stimulus) with a loud noise (unconditioned stimulus)
    • Classical conditioning
      Generalises to similar stimuli
    • Operant conditioning
      Behaviour is reinforced (rewarded) or punished, which affects the frequency of that behaviour
    • Maintenance of phobias by operant conditioning
      1. Avoidance of phobic stimulus reduces fear, reinforcing the avoidance behaviour
      2. Phobia is maintained through this negative reinforcement
    • The two-process model proposes that phobias are acquired through classical conditioning and then maintained through operant conditioning
    • Responses acquired through classical conditioning tend to decline over time, but phobias are often long-lasting due to operant conditioning
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