Cards (35)

  • Theory that emphasized conditioning behavior and altering the environment to elicit selected responses from the learner. Behaviorism
  • father of Behaviorism - John Watson (1878-1958)
  • "if he is given a dozen healthy infants, he can make them into anything you want them to be" Watson
  • what is the name of the child that he experimented with?
    Little Albert
  • What animal does Watson used to made Albert feared of?
    white rat
  • In the beginning, Albert was not afraid of the rat, but Watson made a sudden (loud noise) each time Albert touched the rat.
  • He is founder of behavior psychology and well-known for his connectionism theory. Edward Lee Thorndike
  • relationship between a stimulus and a response.
  • anything that can caused reaction is (stimulus), while it is refer to the reaction is (Response)
  • Law of Learning in Thorndike Theory
    1. Law of Readiness
    2. Law of Exercise; and
    3. Law of Effect
  • He is the proponent of classical conditioning or (respondent conditioning)
    Ivan Pavlov
  • It is also known as respondent conditioning refers to a form of learning that occurs through the repeated association of 2 or more different stimuli.
    Classical conditioning
  • Ivan Pavlov was famous for his experiment with (dogs)
  • Four (4) key elements that are used to describe the process of classical conditioning
    1. unconditioned stimulus
    2. unconditioned response
    3. conditioned stimulus
    4. conditioned response
  • Key processes in Classical Conditioning
    1. acquisition
    2. extinction
    3. spontaneous recovery
    4. stimulus generalisation
    5. stimulus discrimination
  • It is the overall process during which the organism learns to associate 2 events; naka learn siya. acquisition
  • It is the gradual decrease in the strength or rate of a CR that occurs when the UCS is no longer presented; in short nawala na.
  • Is the reappearance of a CR when the CS is presented; nibalik ang response (eg. maglaway balik)
    spontaneous recovery
  • Scenario:
    • If you developed a phobia after being bitten by a dog, you might experience a similar fear response when you see other types of dogs. (stimulus generalisation)
  • Soc exhibits fear response to freely roaming dogs but does not show fear when a dog is on a leash or confined to a pen. Which conditioning process is illustrated (Stimulus discrimination)
  • He is the proponent of Operant Conditioning.
    B.F. Skinner
  • Adding something Positive to Increase a response; naay gihatag na incentive or reward
    Example: A mother gives her son praise for doing homework.
    Answer: positive reinforcement
  • Taking/Removing something negative away to increase a response. Example: Bob does the dishes in order to avoid his mother nagging.
    Answer: Negative reinforcement
  • Adding a negative consequence after an undesired behavior is emitted to decrease future responses.
    Example: A child grabs a toy from another child and is sent to time out
    Answer: Positive punishment
  • Taking away/Removing a certain desired item after the undesired behavior happens to decrease future responses.
    Example: Siblings get in a fight over who gets to play with a new toy, the parents takes the game/toy away.
    Answer: Negative Punishment
  • He is the proponent of Social Cognitive Theory or also known as the Social Learning theory.
    Albert Bandura
  • Vygotsky: Socio-Cultural Theory; Bandura: Social Cognitive Theory
  • The child learns through imitation.
    Social Learning Theory
  • Vicarious consequences (Model and imitate others)
  • What is the thing that Bandura believed was the source of behavior modeling.
  • Phases of Observational Learning by Bandura (ARMM)
    1. Attention (Observer)
    2. Retention (Recall, Remember)
    3. Motor Reproduction (After observation, mag actual performance na siya)
    4. Motivational Process (motivated)
  • Models are classified as:
    1. Real life
    2. Symbolic
    3. Representational
  • exemplified by teachers, parents, and significant others; makita niya in real life.
    real life
  • presented through oral or written symbols
  • presented through audio-visual measures.
    Example: Nakita niya sa tv kaya gisundog niya