urban issues

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  • urbanisation is the proportion of the population living in cities
  • urbanisation is increasing due to...
    1. natural increase
    2. migration
  • urban growth is an increase in the area of land covered by cities
  • in most HIC over 60% of the population live in cities
  • in most LIC about 20% live in cities
  • natural increase is when there is a higher birth rate that death rate
  • rural to urban migration is moving from the countryside to cities
  • people want to move away from the countryside because...
    1. farming is hard and bad pay
    2. lack of service
    3. isolation
  • people want to move to the city because...
    1. better standard of living
    2. education
    3. services
    4. more job opportunities
  • megacities are cities with populations over 10 million
  • types of megacities
    1. slow growing
    2. growing
    3. rapid growing
  • slow growing mega cities have no squatter settlements
  • los angeles is a slow growing megacity
  • slow growing megacities are often HICs
  • growing mega cities are often NEEs
  • rio de janeiro is an example of a growing mega cities
  • growing mega cities have under 20% squatter settlements
  • rapid growing mega cities have over 20% squatter settlements
  • rapid growing mega cities are often LICs or NEEs
  • Jakarta is an example of a rapid growing mega cities
  • ports such as liverpool are important as the uk is an important trading nation
  • during the industrial revolution major cities grew up with raw materials like coal e.g. machester, leeds, birmingham
  • birmingham is located in the centre of the country making it the centre of industrial innovation
  • immigrants settle in urban areas as there are often more job opportunities
  • recently seen urban to rural migration possible as older people want to retire near the coast