resistance to social influence

    Cards (6)

    • Resistance to social influence is the ability people have to not conform or obey.
    • Social support helps people resist social influence. If people have support from others they are less likely to conform/obey. This is supported by Asch.
    • Locus of control is the sense that someone has which directs events in their life. Rotter (1966) developed 2 types of locus of control. These are the internal locus of control and the external locus of control.
    • People with an external locus of control think that what happens is out of their control, they are less likely to resist social influence (more likely to conform/obey), some characteristics include little confidence and easily influenced by others. People with an internal locus of control think that they determine their own outcome, they are more likely to resist social influence and have the characteristics of confidence and control.
    • Social support AO3:
      • RWA: Albrecht et al (2006). Investigated the effectiveness of Teen Fresh Start. Teens who had a mentor (support) were less likely to smoke compared with those who did not have a mentor. Can apply to real-life situations, high ecological validity.
      • research support: Asch. When a dissenter was added rates of conformity decreased. Social support helped them resist social influence. Increases the validity of social support.
    • Locus of control AO3:
      • research support: Holland (1967). Repeated Milgram's research and measured if ppts had an internal or external locus of control. 37% of internals did not obey till 450V; 23% of externals did not obey till 450V. Validates the locus of control.
      • contradictory evidence: Twenge et al (2004). Analysed American studies into obedience over 40 years, found that people are becoming more external but also resisting obedience. Challenges the link between internal & obedience. Lacks temporal validity.