media provide role models with whom children may identify and want to imitate
likely to be same gender
media - rigid stereotypes
media provide cleargender stereotypes
men = ambitious, independent'advice-givers'
women = dependent, unambitious'advice seekers'
media - rigid stereotypes
Furnham and Farragher - study of TV adverts
men were more likely to be shown in autonomous roles - proffessional contexts
women were seen occupying familial roles within domestic settings
media plays a role in reinforcing widespread social stereotypes concerning gender-appropriate behaviour
media - self-efficacy
gives information to men and women in terms of the likely success of adopting these behaviours
seeing other people perform gender-appropriate behaviours increases a child'd belief that they are capable of carrying out such behaviours in the future
media - self-efficacy
one study analysed the attitudes of people in India who had watched a programme desined to challenge deep-rooted stereotypes
detective drama
girls who watched the programme - more capable of working outside the home
self-efficacy had changed as a result of media influence
AO3 - media - strength
P: it has theoretical basis
E: cultivation theory - the more time individuals spend living in media world the likely they are to believe that this reflects social reality
E: Bond and Drogos - positive correlation between timespent watching realityTV - Jersey shore and permissive attitudes towards casual sex
effect still true when researchers controlled for the influence of such factors - sexual attitudes, parental attitudes, religious beliefs
L: media cultivates perception of reality and this affects gender behaviour
AO3 - media - limitation
P: there may not be a causal relationship
E: Durkin - argues that even very young children are not passive and uncritical recipients of media messages - norms within child's family may be a biggerdeterminant on the child's gender attitudes and behaviour
E: If media representations confirm existing gender norms held by family they are likely to be reinforced - if not they are rejected
L: suggests that media influences are secondary to other influences