Obedience: dispositional explanation

    Cards (17)

    • Dispositional explanation
      Explanations of behaviours such as obedience emphasise them being caused by an individual's own personal characteristics rather than situational influences within the environment
    • Authoritarian Personality
      A person who holds rigid beliefs, is intolerant of ambiguity, submissive to authority and hostile to those of lower status or members of an out-group
    • F Scale
      Also known as the 'California F scale' or the 'Fascism scale, the F scale was developed in California in 1947 by Ardono as a measure of authoritarian traits or tendencies
    • Right Wing Authoritarianism
      A cluster of personality variables (conventionalism, authority submission and authoritarian aggression) that are associated with a 'right-wing' attitude to life
    • Characteristics of the authoritarian personality
      • Extreme respect for authority and submissiveness to it
      • Contempt for people seen as having inferior social status
      • Highly conventional attitudes to sex, race and gender
      • Inflexibility- there are no grey areas
    • Examples of statements from the F-scale
      • Obedience and respect for authority are the most important virtues children should learn
      • Rules are there for people to follow, not change
    • Origins of the authoritarian personality
      Resulted from harsh parenting in childhood featuring strict discipline, an expectation of absolute loyalty, impossibly high standards and severe criticism of perceived failings
    • Right-wing authoritarianism (RWA)
      A cluster of three personality variables: conventionalism, authoritarian aggression, and authoritarian submission
    • Elms and Milgram found that obedient participants in Milgram's experiment scored higher on the F scale compared to disobedient participants
    • Elms and Milgram also found that obedient participants were less close to their fathers during childhood and admired the experimenter, which was the opposite for disobedient participants
    • Ardono et al (Aim)
      Investigate if there is a relationship between a person’s personality type and prejudice beliefs.
    • Procedure
      Adorno et al. studied 2000+ middle-class, white Americans to understand obedient personality traits and racial attitudes. They created the F-scale to measure authoritarian traits.
    • Findings
      The study showed that authoritarian individuals admired 'strong' people, looked down on the 'weak', were status-conscious, and had clear stereotypes about different groups, linking authoritarianism with prejudice.
    • Research support
      Milgram and Elms found that obedient participants scored higher on the F-scale than disobedient ones, supporting the link between obedience and traits of the Authoritarian Personality, as proposed by Adorno et al.
    • Counterpoint
      Obedient participants differed from authoritarians in many ways, suggesting that authoritarianism is not a reliable predictor of obedience.
    • Limited explanation
      Authoritarianism can't explain widespread obedience, like in pre-war Germany where millions displayed anti-Semitic behavior. Social identity theory suggests people identified with the Nazi state, challenging Adorno's theory.
    • Flawed evidence
      The F-scale is criticised by Greenstein for methodological errors, leading to inaccurate assessments due to the possibility of obtaining high scores by selecting "agree" answers.
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