Have several causes, most of which are related to the thermal characteristics of the x-ray tube
Heat must be dissipated for the x-ray tube to continue to function
Methods of heat dissipation
1. Radiation
2. Conduction
3. Convection
Transfer of heat by the emission of infrared radiation
Transfer of heat from one area of an object to another
Transfer of heat by the movement of a heated substance from one place to another
Reduced tube life
Most of the heat is dissipated through radiation during exposure
Excessivetemperature of the anode during a single exposure
May result to localized surface melting and pitting
Toorapidincreaseintemperature of the anode
May result to cracking of the anode
Maximumradiographictechnique should not be applied to a cold cathode
Maintaining the anode at elevatedtemperatures for prolonged times
Second type of tube failure
Tube arcing
Caused when vaporized tungsten coats the inside of the glass or metal enclosure is interacted with electrons, causing disturbed electrical balance on the x-ray tube, causing abrupt, intermittent changes in tube current
Rating charts
Guides the radiologic technologists in using the x-ray tube
Types of rating charts
Radiographic Rating Chart
Most important of the three types, conveys which radiographic techniques are safe and unsafe for x-ray tube operation
X and y axis show scales of mA and kVp
For a given mA, any combination of kVp and time that lies below the mA curve is safe
Anode Cooling Chart
Contains the thermal capacity of the anode and its heat dissipation characteristics
Housing Cooling Chart
Has a shape similar to that of the anode cooling chart and is used precisely the same way
Complete cooling after maximum heat capacity requires from 1to2hours
Linear energy transfer (LET)
The average energy deposited per unit path length along the track of an ionizing particle
Unit: keV/um
Describes the energy deposition of a particular type of radiation, which largely determine the biological consequence of radiation
Linear energy transfer
Proportional to the squareofthechargeoftheparticle
Inversely proportional to the particle'skineticenergy
Particles with high linear energy transfer
High linear energy transfer radiations
Greater density of interactions at cellularlevel
More likely, than low linear energy transfer, to produce biologicaldamage in a given volume of tissue
Particles with low linear energy transfer
Low linear energy transfer radiations
Less likely than high linear energy transfer to produce tissue damage in the same volume of tissue