the rate equation only includes reacting species involved in the rate-determining step
as temperature increases the rate increases and the rate constant value will also increase
what factors affect the rate constant?
-increasing the temperature shifts the boltzmann distribution to the right
larger proportion of molecules have energy greater than or equal to the activation energy
affect of temperature on rate and rate constant
increasing the temperature shifts the boltzmann distribution to the right
larger proportion of molecules have energy greater than or equal to the activation energy
as temperature increases, particles move faster and collide more frequently
Arrhenius equation
rate constant and the rate of reaction are directly proportional to the proportion of molecules with energy with energy equal to or greater than the activation energy
intercept c of lnA on the y axis
gradient m is -Ea/RT
a plot of ln k against 1/T gives a straight line of y=mx + c
An increase in the activation energy means that the proportion of molecules which possess at least the activation energy is less
This means that the rate of the reaction, and therefore the value of k will decrease
Graph of lnK against 1/T
Arrhenius equation
lnk = -Ea/RT + lnA
y= mx + c
A is the number of successful collisions with the correct orientation