
Cards (5)

  • aim
    to observe a natural tutorial session in order to find the best ways in which children learn and should be taught in
  • sample
    30. Children in groups of 3,4 and 5-year-olds.
  • procedure
    Completed a pyramid task which involves pairing 15 sets of a wooden blocks using a rod and hole system to build a pyramid of 21 blocks
    They were left alone to play with the pyramid for five minutes
    A tutor entered and showed each child how to pair 2 blocks together
    The child was asked to do the same
    The child was helps with standardised instructions
  • results?
    3-year-olds needed the most support from a tutor and being shown what to do through demonstrations
    5-year-olds needed the least help
    4-year-olds need the most individualised help
  • AO2
    shows teachers that their teaching style needs to be adapted to suit different ages
    3-year-old should be kept motivated and shown demonstrations
    4-year-olds needed more individually favourite style of learning, so the teacher could get to know the child