Whereas structuralists naturally gravitated to the lab, the functionalists were more interested in how people adapt their behaviour to the demands of the real world around them
Watson proposed that psychologists abandon the study of consciousness because mental processes are ultimately private events that cannot be scientifically studied
The emergence of clinical psychology in North America was driven by the need to screen military recruits and treat soldiers suffering from trauma during World War II
Hebb's innovative ideas set the stage for contemporary developments in cognition and neuroscience and underscored the importance of the neuropsychological approach to understanding behaviour
Interest in the neuroscience approach to psychology has increased dramatically in the past few years and is pervasive across all areas of psychology, including developmental, clinical, personality, and social psychology
Traditionally, Western psychologists have paid scant attention to how well their theories and research might apply to non-Western cultures, to ethnic minorities in Western societies, or even to women as compared to men