reconstituted / blended / step families

Cards (6)

  • statistics of reconstituted / blended / step families
    account for 10% of all families
    in 85%, at least 1 child is from previous marriages
    11% of step families have children from a man's marriage, 4% have children from both sides
    around 1/3rd of marriages involve remarriage for one or both partners
    more divorced men remarry than divorced women
    stepfathers more common than stepmothers as women more likely to be given custody of children
  • reasons for patterns in reconstituted / blended / step families
    increased divorce rate
    stepparents are at a greater risk of poverty as there are often more children - stepmothers at the greatest risk
  • new right perspective on reconstituted / blended / step families
    less dependance on benefits
    close to nuclear family but would still prefer traditional nuclear family
  • functionalist perspective on reconstituted / blended / step families
    most similar to nuclear = social stability
    commitment to marriage remains
  • postmodernist perspective on reconstituted / blended / step families
    shows growing individualisation and pick ' n ' mix identities
  • ALLAN ET AL - life in stepfamilies
    sense of unity in ' natural ' families, such as shared family history, commitments etc is not necessarily so evident in stepfamileis
    children may feel greater loyalty and closer to natural parents
    may be divisions between children when there are 2 sets of children
    less societal norms about role of step parents = source of conflict
    children may be less willing to accept control and discipline from stepparents
    natural parents may have reservations to what extent a stepparent should be involved in child discipline etc