
Cards (7)

    • The bending or change in direction of light when it travels from one medium to another. Each medium has its own index of refraction
  • What causes refraction
    • Normally light travels in straight lines as long as the light is traveling through the same material
    • Refraction is due to changes in the speed of light. Different media slow down light by different amounts
    • The more that light slows down, the more the light is refracted
  • Less to More Dense
    • When light travels from a less dense medium into a denser medium, light will slow down
    • Slowing down causes the light ray to bend towards the normal
    • Results in the angle of incidence being greater than the angle of refraction
  • More to less Dense: Water to Air
    • When light travels from a more dense medium to less dense medium, the light will speed up
    • Light speeding up causes the light ray to bend away from the normal
    • Results in angle of refraction becoming greater than the angle of incidence
  • Speed of Light
    • Speed of light in vacuum: c=3.00x10^8m/s
    • Speed of light in a medium (v) is different for different materials
  • Index of refraction
    • The index of refraction for a medium is determined by comparing the speed of light in the medium with the speed of light in a vacuum
  • Index of refraction of material = speed of light in vacuum/speed of light in medium
    • N = index of refraction
    • C = speed of light    
    • V = speed of light in given medium