Classification Of Rocks

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  • Igneous rocks are formed from the solidification or cooling of molten rock through crystallization.
  • Sedimentary rocks form when sediments accumulate, compact, and cement together over time. Fossils found.
  • Metamorphic rocks result from changes to existing rocks due to heat, pressure, or chemical reactions.
  • Contact Metamorphism - The process of the melting of rocks due to the heat of magma. (Contact with magma)
  • Regional Metamorphism - The process of changing the composition of rocks in a region.
  • Extrusive/Volcanic rock forms - when magma makes its way to Earth's surface as lava and then cools. The crystals are very small (fine-grained) since the cooling process is fast.
  • Intrusive/Plutonic - It cools slowly beneath the Earth surface and are created by magma. The intrusive igneous rocks have very large crystals (coarse grained).
  • Composition - it refers to rock's mineral and chemical make-up
  • Felsic - igneous rocks that are light in colors; feldspar and silicates
  • Mafic - dark-colored igneous rocks made up of magnesium, calcium and iron
  • Intermediate - refers to igneous rocks between mafic and felsic composition
  • Ultramafic - denotes that igneous rocks composed chiefly of mafic minerals
  • Texture - overall appearance of a rock based on the size, shape, and arrangement of interlocking mineral crystals