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Cards (32)

  • Anxiety has strong emotional and physical effects
  • Anxiety can make eyewitness recall better or worse
  • Why might anxiety have a negative effect on recall?
    Creates physiological arousal, preventing us paying attention to cues
  • What is an approach to studying the negative effect of anxiety on eyewitness testimony?
    Looking at the effect of a weapon
  • What effect does a weapon have on eyewitness testimony?
    Leads to a focus on the weapon, reducing a witness's recall
  • Who studied the effects of a weapon on eyewitness testimony?
    Johnson and Scott
  • What were the two conditions in Johnson and Scott's study into the effects of a weapon on eyewitness testimony?
    Low-anxiety and high-anxiety
  • What was the low-anxiety condition in Johnson and Scott's study into the effects of a weapon on eyewitness testimony?
    Heard a casual conversation, then saw a man walk past carrying a pen
  • What was the high-anxiety condition in Johnson and Scott's study into the effects of a weapon on eyewitness testimony?
    Heard a heated argument, then saw a man walk past carrying a bloody knife
  • What percentage of participants who had seen the man carrying the pen in the low-anxiety condition were able to identify him?
  • What percentage of participants who had seen the man carrying the bloody knife in the high-anxiety condition were able to identify him?
  • What theory suggests that weapon focus as a result of anxiety can enhance people's memory for central events?
    Tunnel theory
  • Why might might anxiety have a positive effect on recall?
    Fight or flight triggered, increasing alertness and memory
  • What effect does a weapon focus have on eyewitness testimony?
  • Whose study suggested anxiety has a positive effect on recall?
    Yuille and Cutshall
  • Whose study suggested anxiety has a negative effect on recall?
    Johnson and Scott
  • How many months after the incident were witnesses interviewed in Yuille and Cutshall's study?
  • How many witnesses to the incident studied in Yuille and Cutshall's study took part?
  • What actual event did Yuille and Cutshall study?
    A shooting
  • What percentage of participants who reported the highest levels of stress in Yuille and Cutshall's study were most accurate?
  • What law states that performance will increase with stress, but only to a certain point, where it decreases drastically?
    Yerkes-Dodson law
  • What is the Yerkes-Dodson law?
    Performance will increase with stress, but only to a certain point, where it decreases drastically
  • How does the Yerkes-Dodson law explain contradictory findings into the effects of anxiety on eyewitness testimony?
    Recall accuracy will increase with anxiety, but only to a certain point where it will decrease drastically
  • Who used the Yerkes-Dodson law to explain the contradictory findings into the effects of anxiety on eyewitness testimony?
  • What percentage of the high-anxiety group in Valentine and Mesout's study correctly identified the actor?
  • What percentage of the low-anxiety group in Valentine and Mesout's study correctly identified the actor?
  • What two groups were participants divided into in Valentine and Mesout's study?
    High-anxiety and low-anxiety
  • What did participants have to do in Valentine and Mesout's study?
    Identify an actor encountered in a horror labyrinth