Cards (4)

  • Limitation: Unusualness not anxiety
    What? Study by Johnson and Scott may not have tested anxiety
    Who? Pickel - scissors, handgum, wallet, chicken; eyewitness accuracy poorer in unusual conditions (chicken and handgun)
    Why? Weapon focus due to unusualness rather than anxiety
  • Strength: Support for negative effects
    What? Evidence supporting anxiety has a negative effect on recall
    Who? Valentine and Mesout - 17% correct recall in high-anxiety condition VS 75% in low-anxiety condition
    Why? Shows does have a negative effect on recall
  • Strength: Support for positive effects
    What? Evidence supporting anxiety has a positive effect on recall
    Who? Christianson and Hubinette - witnesses to bank robbery; recall 75% accurate + direct victims even more accurate
    Why? Shows anxiety may enhance recall
  • Counterpoint: Support for positive effects
    What? Interviews months after
    Who? Post-event discussions; effects of anxiety overwhelmed by other factors
    Why? Lack of control over confounding variables responsible for findings