Types of LTM

Subdecks (1)

Cards (24)

  • What are the three types of long-term memory?
    Episodic, semantic, procedural
  • Who proposed the three types of long-term memory?
  • Is episodic memory time-stamped?
  • Is semantic memory time-stamped?
  • Is procedural memory time-stamped?
  • Which of the three long-term memory stores are time-stamped?
  • What is episodic memory?
    Our ability to recall events from our lives (episodes)
  • Do you have to make a conscious effort to recall episodic memories?
  • What elements will your memory of a single 'episode' in episodic memory include?
    People, places, objects and behaviour
  • What is semantic memory?
    Our shared knowledge of the world
  • What is an example of episodic memory?
    A visit to the dentist
  • What is an example of semantic memory?

  • What is it when a memory is time-stamped?
    You remember when they happened
  • Semantic knowledge is less personal and more about facts
  • According to Tulving, what memory store is less vulnerable to forgetting than episodic memory?
  • What is procedural memory?
    Our memory for actions or skills
  • Do you have to make a conscious effort to recall procedural memory?
  • What is an example of procedural memory?
    Driving a car
  • We might find it difficult to explain skills from procedural memory to someone else
  • What cases support the existence of different types of LTM?
    HM and Wearing