Types of LTM: AO3

Cards (4)

  • Strength: Clinical evidence
    What? Evidence from famous case studies
    Who? HM and Wearing - Episodic memory severely impaired but semantic/procedural memories unaffected
    Why? Supports different LTM stores
  • Limitation: Conflicting neuroimaging evidence
    What? Conflicting research findings linking types of LTM to areas of the brain
    Who? Bucker and Peterson - semantic memory = left prefrontal cortex & episodic = right prefrontal cortex VS Tulving - left prefrontal cortex = encoding of episodic memories & right prefrontal cortex = episodic retrieval
    Why? Challenges evidence; poor agreement
  • Counterpoint: Clinical evidence
    What? Clinical studies not perfect
    Who? Lack of control of variables; no knowledge of memory before damage
    Why? Limits what they can tell us about different LTM types
  • Strength: Real-world application
    What? Psychologists can help people w/ memory problems
    Who? Belleville et al. - intervention to improve episodic memories in older people
    Why? Distinguishing types of LTM allows treatments to be developed