Cards (9)

  • 7B.2 ONS 2013

    ONS 2013
    • women dominate employment with the caring and leisure occupations
    • men make up the majority of workers in the top 10% of earners for all employees - gap is lower for under 30
  • 7B.2 inequalities in the labour market

    • in the private sector the gender pay gap is 24.8% vs 17.1% in the public sector
    • 20.4% of directors on FTSE are women and 11.1% of UK bank CEOs are women - Fawcett Society 2013
    • up to 30,000 women a year are fired for being pregnant
  • 7B.2 inequalities in income and wealth
    • 22% of women jnvs 14% of men have a persistent low income
    Low pay commisions
    • approximately 70% of people in national minimum wage jobs are women
  • 7B.2 inequalities in poverty
    Prudential 2011
    • 1 in 4 women will be living below the poverty live when they retire vs 12% of men
    Women's budget group
    • mothers frequently go without food, clothing and warmth in order to protect children
  • 7B.2 inequality in social mobility
    Savage 2011
    • men were 40% more likely to climb the career ladder than women
    General household survey
    • 39% of Bangladeshi women and 35% of Bangladeshi men work part time - double the levels of two decades ago
    • 54% of self employed Pakistani men work in the transport industry vs 8% of the rest of the population
  • 7B.2 male education inequality

    • girls in the uk gain more A*-C grade GCSEs compared to boys
    • white working class boys are the most underachieving group in education
  • 7B.2 male health inequality

    • on average men develop heart disease 10 years earlier than women
    • men are more likely to have a drug and alcohol problem than women
  • 7B.2 male work inequalities

    • more than 95% of 200 people killed in the workplace a year are men
    • men work on average 39 hrs/wk vs 34 hrs/wk for women
    Benatar 2012
    • least desirable and most dangerous jobs and those with the least pay and security are occupied largely by men
  • 7B.2 male family life inequalities

    Warin et al
    • the majority of fathers mothers and teenage children believed that the father should be the main earner
    Equal opportunities Commission 2007
    • many employees still see flexible working or family friendly working policies as something for women
    • UK father's work the longest hours in Europe
    • 49.6 hrs/wk vs 41.5 (germany) and 35.5 (france)