Cards (8)

  • content analysis: 6M or 10 M
    Analyse and codify a piece of work, such as a media report, quantitative and look how often a word or phrases used. Prefer as its quantitative
    Advantages: cheap, because you can buy magazine or watch TV, compares two things, increases a liability, as can repeat and crosscheck results by looking at the same media
    Disadvantages: time consuming, so not practical, as you need to check all the long time, subjective biased as research, interpreted
  • secondary qualitative data

    Interpretivist prefer as its practical, so saves time ammonia increases validity and provides rich. Detailed data.
    Disadvantages: positive say, reliability and representativeness
  • mixed methods
    Combining qualitative and quantitative data and interpretivist and positivists preferred depending which method used
    Advantage: increases validity, which is triangulation as you check for it, increases accuracy, as you can gain a full of pictures which is pluralism
    Disadvantage: time, consuming contradictory results, complex analysis and expensive
  • longitudinal: qualitative or quantitative data

    Such as ethnography and interpretivist prefer
    Advantage: increase validity, Visayan, report, and identify pattern and trend
    Disadvantage time consuming costly increase attrition rate, so people may drop out or die and unethical
  • Focus group
    Interpretivist prefer
    Advantage is increases validity, Verstehen and report meanings
    Disadvantage is its subjective and lux reliability is biased and decreased representativeness as people lie, and can be interviewer bias
  • questionnaires
    Set of questions that gather a respondents experiences, two types or self-report, which is tick boxes, attidinal which is scaling from, 1-5
    Positivist Prefer as it’s quantitative
    Advantage: reliable representative, identify patterns and, practical as its cheap
    Disadvantage: interpretivist say it lacks validity and detail, rapport, vertsehen
  • unstructured interviews
    Not set questions, so is like an informal conversation where the researcher can probe more and ask the respondent for more detail, interpretivist prefer it as its qualitative
    Advantage: increases validity meanings, it’s ethical, verstehen, rapport
    Disadvantage: positivist say that it is not practical because it’s time-consuming and costly, and it lacks reliability and is bias
  • observations
    Interpretivist prefer because they are qualitative , all four types which are participants, non-participants, overt and covert
    Advantage: increases, validity, gain meanings, rapport, verstehen etc
    Disadvantage: decreases, reliability, unethical, Hawthorne effect, interviewer, bias, unrepresentative