Cards (6)

  • Conquest of new land
    • Set up new trade on south american continents - spanish colonies were in brazil and peru who would buy british cloths.
    • opportunity for settlement and other ships weren't defended well so drake could steal from ships (Privateer)
  • Encouraged by Queen Elizabeth
    • John Hawkins was an African slave trader and Drake used to live with them.
    • By trading slaves, they realised they could make a lot of money which would fund further trips to grow British trading.
    • Liz hated the Spanish - how they defeated the protestants in netherlands and believed they were plotting against her.
  • Building of wealth
    • The americas produced sugar and spices that were desired - huge trade opportunity.
    • Open up more trade.
    • Able to attack many spanish ships that were trading and steal their goods - gold and silver.
    • Conquest new lands - brazil and peru trading.
  • Finding the Strait of Arian
    • Exploration - find easier routes to increase trade.
  • Influence of Hawkins
    • Drake lived with him.
    • Slave traders, made money.
    • Hawkins fleet was attacked by the Spanish - revenge.
  • Revenge on the Spanish
    • 1558, the Spanish broke a truce and attacked Hawkins fleet - why drake always would attack spanish ships and raid them.