Subdecks (1)

Cards (11)

  • Administrative Law
    Concerns the administration and implementation of legislation by the executive (the Crown) and by statutory delegates.
    • Consists of those Rules of Law which govern and constrain the exercise of power and privileges of the executive and the conduct of statutory bodies (boards, commissions, and tribunals).
    • It is the aim of the administrative law to govern relations between citizens and the state when the state chooses to delegate part of its power to the Crown or statutory bodies.
  • Why is administrative law important to the Rule of Law?
    This because our lives are subject to the regulation by the government: regulation of health and safety, human rights, pay equity, and employment, pensions and insures, financial institutions, etc.
  • Label the Statutory Delegation
    A) The Crown
    B) Statutory Delegates
    C) State Agent
    D) Statutory Box
    E) Statutory Instrument
    F) Legislature
  • Explain how this diagram works.
    1. The crown and statutory delegates are given authority to make and enact laws;
    2. state agents enforce those laws;
    3. statutory box defines the a particular amount of range of influence for the crown and statutory delegates (ambit of law);
    4. statutory instruments, a set of rules created by the government, enact the laws into practise;
    5. when the law is enacted, if an agent acts outside of its authority, the crown or statutory delegates has to remedy the situation;
    6. if state agency is found to exceed its authority, it is declared to be "ultra vires."