Concerns the administration and implementation of legislation by the executive (the Crown) and by statutorydelegates.
Consists of those Rules of Law which govern and constrain the exercise of power and privileges of the executive and the conduct of statutorybodies (boards, commissions, and tribunals).
It is the aim of the administrative law to governrelations between citizens and thestate when the state chooses to delegatepart of its power to the Crown or statutorybodies.
Why is administrative law important to the Rule of Law?
This because our lives are subjectto the regulation by the government: regulation of health and safety, human rights, pay equity, and employment, pensions and insures, financial institutions, etc.
Label the Statutory Delegation
A) The Crown
B) Statutory Delegates
C) State Agent
D) Statutory Box
E) Statutory Instrument
F) Legislature
Explain how this diagram works.
The crown and statutory delegates are given authority to make and enactlaws;
state agents enforce those laws;
statutory box defines the a particularamountofrange of influence for the crown and statutorydelegates (ambit of law);
statutory instruments, a set of rulescreatedby the government, enact the laws intopractise;
when the law is enacted, if an agent actsoutside of its authority, the crown or statutory delegates has to remedythesituation;
if state agency is found to exceed its authority, it is declared to be "ultravires."