
    Cards (16)

    • How did Freud explain that psychological disorders were caused?
      Psychological disorders were caused by repressed childhood trauma, locked away in the unconscious mind.
    • According to Freud, and the psychodynamic approach, what causes different disorders?
      Different psychosexual fixations.
    • The first strength of the psychodynamic approach is that Freud was one of the first psychologists to investigate psychological causes for psychological disorders.
    • Freud was one of the first psychologists to identify childhood experiences as a cause of psychological disorders. Which is an idea we still used in therapy.
    • What is the well-known case study conducted by Freud?
      Little Hans
    • What is the second strength of the psychodynamic approach?
      It strikes a balance between being idiographic and nomothetic.
    • The psychodynamic approach is idiographic because it uses case studies to focus on individuals experiences, and it is nomothetic because it proposes general theories about behaviour, such as the tripartite structure of personality.
    • No way Freud could ever prove his theories wrong (unfalsifiable)
    • What is a consequence of using case studies to gather data?(ideographic method)

       We can’t generalise the results.
    • One limitation of the psychodynamic approach is that its not very scientific, this is because...

      Case studies aren't based on empirical evidence
      Lacks population validity
      Theories are unfalsifiable as the unconscious mind can't be observed
    • According to Freud what do all children go through?
      Psychosexual stages of development.
    • What is Freud’s term for the stage where boys are nervous that their father is going to remove their penis?
      Castration anxiety.
    • During the phallic stage, girls get upset that they don’t have a penis. What does Freud call this?

      Penis envy.
    • A second limitation of the psychodynamic approach is that its holds gender bias, this is because...
      Androcentric gender bias because Freud's concept of penis envy assumes that girls always want the same things boys want.

      Outdated gender stereotypes
    • According to Freud, what does the id do?
      It is responsible for urges and impulses in males and females.
    • What is psychic determinism?
       When repressed trauma in the unconscious mind determines our behaviour.
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