economic development

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  • development is the progress of a country in terms of economic growth, use of technology and human welfare
  • development can be effected by politics, social, economic and environmental factors
  • we measure development using GNI
  • GNI is a measure of economic activity that divides the gross national income by the total population
  • GNI considers values of goods and services and income earned from investments overseas
  • UK GNI per capita in 2022 was £40410
  • HICs has a high GNI
  • quality of life is the standard of health, happiness and money
  • HDI is a composite measure of development - it combines social and economic measures - it combines GNI, literacy rate and life expectancy to give a scor between 0 and 1
  • HDI is effected by income, education and life expectancy
  • birth rate is the number of live births per 1000 of the population
  • death rate is the number of deaths per 1000 of the population #
  • infant mortality rate is the number of babies who die before their 1st birthday per 1000 of the population
  • life expectancy is the age someone is estimated to live to in a country
  • literacy rate is the % of people who can read and write is a country
  • limitations of economic and social measures
    1. government twists figures
    2. hard to count
    3. out of date
    4. informal economy not taken into account
  • there are 5 levels of development
  • demographic transition model
    1. high stationary
    2. early expanding
    3. late expanding
    4. low stationary
    5. declining
  • high stationary sector includes tribes, has a high birth rate and death rate which fluctuates because of diseases, famine and war - fairly stable population
  • early expanding like Afghanistan - high birth rate and decreasing death rate - growing population
  • late expanding like india - rapid drop in birth rate and decreasing death rate - slow growing population
  • low stationary - usa - low birth rate and low death rate
  • declining - germany - lower birth rate than death rate
  • reasons for uneven development
    1. physical - land locked countries and extreme weather
    2. economic - corrupt LIC leaders sell resources cheap to TNC to profit
    3. historical - 1650 - 1900 10 million people moved from africa to america
  • consequences of uneven development
    1. health
    2. wealth
  • inequality in health
    1. LIC can invest in healthcare and are more likely to have complications
  • inequalities in wealth
    1. most developed countries are the richest
    2. africas global wealth is only 1%
  • immigrant - moves into a country
  • emigrant moves out of a country
  • refugee - forced to move a country
  • displaced person - forced from their home but stay in own country
  • economic migrant - moves to seek a better life with more money
  • middle east refugee crisis
    1. 2015
    2. 100000 fled from syria and afghanistan
  • in 2004 1.5 million economic migrant moved to the uk with 2/3 being polish
  • primary sector is producing raw materials like fishing and farming
  • secondary sector is manufacturing raw materials like steel production
  • tertiary sector is selling goods or providing service like teacher
  • quaternary sector is high tech industries like laboratory researcher
  • aid is a form of help from one group of people to another
  • short term aid - given after a natural disaster as relief