
Cards (8)

  • reducing global development gap with tourism
  • tourists attracted by beaches, nature reserves and international hotels
  • using intermediate technology
    1. using equipment and techniques that can work in their country
    2. e.g. solar powered light bulbs in Nepal
  • negative impact of tourism
    1. water pollution
    2. increased waste
    3. feet damage coral
    4. creates seasonal jobs
    5. increased crime
  • what are tourists contribution to the economy
    1. support local businesses
    2. income from us tourist each year is $2 billion
    3. in 2014 24% of jamaicas GDP was from tourism
  • tourism has...
    1. improved economy
    2. improved employment
    3. improved infrastructure
    4. improved quality of life
  • improved employment
    1. jobs available for 200000 people
  • improved infrastructure
    1. investment on the north coast
    2. trelawig - new port and cruiseliner
    3. hotel accomodation