extracting pigments

Cards (9)

  • chlorophyll a
    yellow-green colour
  • chlorophyll b
    blue-green colour
  • photosystems
    multisubunit complexes that contain a variety of photosynthetic pigments
  • location of photosystems
    thylakoid membrane
  • thin layer chromatography process
    tear a leaf into small fragments
    grind with sharp sand and propanone
    transfer a sample of the extract to a watch glass
    evaporate all moisture using a hairdryer
    add a few drops of propanone to dissolve the pigments
    draw a pencil line on the TLC strip 10 mm away from the end and place a small concentrated dot of the pigment on the line
    place in a tube with the base dipping into a running solvent
    remove when finished
  • stationary phase material in TLC
    silica gel
  • hold TLC plates by the edges
    not contaminated by oil droplets on the surface of the skin
  • plate does not touch the sides of the jar
    so condensation on the sides of the jar do not impact the movement of pigments
  • why should you work quickly when grinding the leaves and adding propanone
    so the propanone doesn't evaporate