Global warming🔥

Cards (42)

  • Earth Summit, Rio 1992
    • Set out aims to stabilise greenhouse gas levels 
  • Kyoto Protocol 1997
    • Delegates from 150 countries agreed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
    • It stated that industrialised countries would reduce emissions to below the levels in 1990
    • Developing countries including China and India were exempt from the agreement
    • The USA did not sign up for the treaty
    • Canada withdrew in 2011 stating that without China and USA the treaty would not work
  • Paris Agreement 2015
    • Global agreement to limit global warming to 2oC (preferably 1.5oC) above pre-industrial levels
    • Agreement also includes reducing CO2 emissions by at least 60% by 2050
    • Signed by 196 countries including the USA and China (the USA withdrew in 2020 and later, re-joined in 2021
    • Conference of the Parties (COP)
    • The United Nations (UN) holds an annual (every year) meeting to discuss climate change.
    • COP26 was held in Glasgow, UK in 2021 and in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt in 2022
    • All nations agreed to take actions to further reduce greenhouse gas emissions
  • Conference of the Parties (COP)
    • The United Nations (UN) holds an annual (every year) meeting to discuss climate change.
    • COP26 was held in Glasgow, UK in 2021 and in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt in 2022
    • All nations agreed to take actions to further reduce greenhouse gas emissions
  • Increased temperatures and lack of precipitation

    May lead to the spread of diseases
  • Italy has experienced cases of malaria since 2017 when it was previously a malaria free area
  • An additional 280 million people may be affected by malaria
  • Water-borne diseases are more likely to spread
  • Heat waves may become more frequent
  • Heat stroke, dehydration and sunburn increase during heat waves
  • Stagnant air during heat waves increases air pollution levels
  • Respiratory diseases increase and those suffering from respiratory illnesses such as asthma may be more affected
  • Increased temperatures negatively affect people with cardiopulmonary diseases
  • Diets may be restricted by food shortages leading to malnutrition and famine
  • Milder winters may lead to fewer winter related deaths
  • Loss of job opportunities due to changes in tourism and agriculture
  • Homes 
    • Increased flooding due to sea level rise and increased frequency and severity of storms will lead to displacement of large numbers of people
  • Agriculture
    • Farmers may need to change the crop they grow if climate conditions become unsuitable
    • Coastal flooding may lead to salt intrusion
    • Reduced availability of water will mean that irrigation is limited or impossible
    • Food shortages will lead to malnutrition and famine
  • Employment
    • Job opportunities may change or decrease because:
    • Tourism may decline in some areas for example ski resorts may close due to the lack of reliable snow
    • Coastal resorts may be at risk of flooding leading to the closure
    • Farmers may have to change the crop they grow or livestock they raise or leave farming
    • In some areas agriculture may decline due to rising temperatures or changing rainfall patterns
    • Declining fishing in some areas due to changing ocean temperatures
  • Settlements
    • Settlements in low-lying areas may have to be abandoned or need additional defences against sea level rise:
    • Moving settlements or improving flood defences will be costly
  • Sea level rise
    Warmer temperatures cause the water in seas and oceans to expand, increasing the sea level
  • Melting ice
    Adding to the increasing volume of water
  • Average sea levels have risen 23 cm since 1880
  • Sea levels are forecast to increase a further 30 cm by 2050
  • Low-lying coastal areas and islands
    • At higher risk of flooding
    • The Maldives may be uninhabitable by 2050
  • Beach erosion
    • Increasing leading to greater coastal erosion
  • Coastal ecosystems

    • Including coral reefs and mangrove swamps will be affected
  • Saltwater ingress
    • Contaminating freshwater supplies and affecting coastal agriculture
  • Changes in climate patterns
    Increase the frequency and severity of storms
  • Atlantic hurricane season was the first most active on record

  • Atlantic hurricane season was the third most active

  • Frequency and length of droughts
    Are increasing
  • Dry conditions
    Lead to the increased risk of wildfires
  • In September 2021 the USA National Fire Centre reported 44,647 wildfires which had burned 5.6 million acres
  • Rising sea levels together with increased storms
    Lead to increased flooding risk
  • Ecosystem change
    • Location of biomes may shift to the north (Northern Hemisphere) and south (Southern Hemisphere) as they rely on specific climate conditions
    • Polar and tundra biomes are at risk of becoming extinct as they cannot shift any further north/south
  • Increasing sea temperatures and ocean acidification

    Resulted in coral bleaching
  • Changing temperatures
    Migration and behaviour patterns of animals affected
  • Migration and behaviour patterns of animals affected by changing temperatures
    • Fish species are moving north and south of their usual habitats to seek cooler water
    • Reduced hibernation due to warmer winters
  • Ecosystems threatened
    • Mangrove swamps and coral reefs are threatened by rising sea levels