The researcher (narrator) brings coherence to peoples experiences through the captions within photo-elicitation methods
Caroline Wang and Mary Ann Burris developed photo-elicitation based on a combination of Paulo Freire’s notion of critical consciousness; feminist theory, and documentary photography.
Wang and Burris's (1992) photo-elicitation of rural village women in China relates to what R?
Respondent participant generated visual data
Photo-elicitation developed by Caroline Wang is a research method using respondent participant generated visual data (photographs) to stimulate discussion around social issues or lived experiences
Wangs orginal research concept was?
Photo-voice which developed into photo-elicitation
Photo-voice encourages participants to document their lives using photography, helping to raise awareness of societal and political issues.
Understanding how societal, political, and structural forces can impact people's lives and mental health relates to what (C.C)?
Critical consciousness
Photo novella: A method using photos and drawings to narrate stories, often used to educate people who cannot read or write.
What method is best for those who are illiterate?
Photo-elicitation allows respondents to have greater control over their narrative.
Which of the following is a key concept for photo-elicitation?
Community members create images that shape healthful public policy.
The polysemic quality of images, discussed by Barthes (1981), refers to what?
images have many potential meanings and interpretations.
Wang's Five steps for visual analysis include?
Images teach
Pictures & policy
Community participation in shaping healthful public policy
Organising an Audience of policy makers and influential people
Photo-voice emphasising individual and community action
What does "I-PECO" stand for?
Images Teach: Visuals educate powerfully.
Pictures & Policy: Visuals can influence policy changes.
Engage Community: Involve the community in healthful policy-making.
Call an Audience: Get policymakers and influencers involved early.
Organize Action: Promote community action with photo-voice.