Body of law that owes its authenticity and authoritynottoenactments by legislatures, but to judgement of courtsrecognising, over time, certain rulesasrulesoflaw.
What do the rules of common law apply to?
The rules of common law apply to government and to persons and their property are organised into certaincategoriesdependingupon the nature of the conductand the relations to whichtheyapply and give rise to what are known as commonlaw causes of action.
What are the three categories of common law? Define what they mean relative to common law.
Common Law of Tort: Governs which harms to their persons and their property which giveright to a rightforremedy.
Common Law of Contract: Governs which failedpromises have simply tobeforborne and which are legallysignificant and giverise to rights.
Common Law of Property: Governs the relationships between persons as regards the resources which beings like us need to survive and flourishdetermines who may and maynot use those resources and under what conditions.