Group dynamics

Cards (15)

  • What is a group?

    A group is a collection of people who both share similar goals and interact with one another.
  • Group dynamics often involve:
    • collective identity
    • common goal
    • shared purpose
    • group unity
    • structured patterns of communication
  • Cohesion is the action of sticking together.
  • Social loafing is when individuals in the group lose motivation and do not contribute fully to the group task.
  • Team Cohesion
    concerns the motivation which attracts individuals to the group and the resistance of those members to the group breaking up.
  • Cohesiveness is the total field of forces which act on members to remain in the group. (Festinger 1963)
  • Carron (1980) stated that cohesion has two dimensions:
    1. Group Integration
    2. Individual attraction
  • Group integration is how the individual members of the group feel about the group as a whole.
  • Individual attraction is how attracted the individuals are to the group.
  • Group integration and individual attraction could both impact on social or task motivation. (Widmeyer, 1985)
  • Model of group development (Tuckman, 1965)
    1. forming
    2. storming
    3. norming
    4. performing
  • Forming
    • High dependence on the leader for guidance and direction
    • Group members start to get to know eachother
    • little agreement on aims
    • Roles are unclear and leader must give strong direction
  • 2. Storming
    • Group decisions are difficult
    • Members jostle for position and attempts to establish themselves against each other and may potentially challenge leaders.
    • Clearer focus and stronger sense of purpose
    • Cliques and power struggles may form
  • 3. Norming
    • More agreement and consensus on opinion of the team
    • Roles and responsibilities are clearer and generally accepted
    • Decisions increasingly made through agreement.
    • Stronger sense of commitment , unity and group become more social.
    • General respect for the leader.
  • 4. Performing
    • Clear strategies , visions and aims
    • No interference or direct participation from the leader
    • Focus on achieving goals and the team makes decisions.
    • Disagreements are resolved positively.