pregnancy scans

Cards (14)

  • Booking Visit (8-12 Weeks)

    General information on diet, alcohol, smoking, folic acid, vitamin D, antenatal classes, BP, urine dipstick, BMI check, and booking bloods/urine tests
  • Booking Visit Blood Tests
    • FBC
    • Blood group
    • Rhesus status
    • Red cell alloantibodies
    • Haemoglobinopathies
    • Hepatitis B
    • Syphilis
    • HIV test
    • Urine culture for asymptomatic bacteriuria
  • Early Scan (10-13+6 Weeks)

    To confirm dates and exclude multiple pregnancy
  • Down's Syndrome Screening (11-13+6 Weeks)
    Down's syndrome screening, including a nuchal scan
  • 16-Week Visit
    Information on the anomaly and blood results, routine care (BP and urine dipstick), and if Hb < 11 g/dl, consider iron
  • Anomaly Scan (18-20+6 Weeks)

    Anomaly scan to check for fetal abnormalities
  • 25-Week Visit (Only if Primip)

    BP, urine dipstick, and symphysis-fundal height (SFH) measurement
  • 28-Week Visit
    Routine care (BP, urine dipstick, SFH), second screen for anemia and atypical red cell alloantibodies, and first dose of anti-D prophylaxis for rhesus negative women
  • 31-Week Visit (Only if Primip)
    Same routine care as the 28-week visit (BP, urine dipstick, SFH)
  • 34-Week Visit
    Routine care (BP, urine dipstick, SFH), second dose of anti-D prophylaxis for rhesus negative women, and information on labour and birth plan
  • 36-Week Visit
    Routine care (BP, urine dipstick, SFH), check fetal presentation, offer external cephalic version if indicated, and provide information on breastfeeding, vitamin K, and 'baby-blues'
  • 38-Week Visit
    Routine care (BP, urine dipstick, SFH)
  • 40-Week Visit (Only if Primip)
    Routine care (BP, urine dipstick, SFH) and discussion about options for prolonged pregnancy
  • 41-Week Visit
    Routine care (BP, urine dipstick, SFH) and discussion about labour plans and the possibility of induction