childhood as social construct

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  • PILCHER > seperateness
    -most important feature of modern western childhood
    -childhood clear & distinct life stage
    -children in modern western society occupy separate status from adults
    -separate age-status emphasised
  • how is separate age status emphasised - Pilcher
    -differences in dress, products & services
  • golden age
    -in modern western societies, childhood is "golden age"
    -happiness & innocence > vulnerable
    -kept 'quarantined' away from dangers of outside world
  • result of children being seen as vulnerable
    -children's lives lived largely in sphere of family & education
    -adults provide for them
    -protect them from outside world
  • Wagg
    -childhood socially constructed
    -no single universal childhood experienced by all
    -childhood isn't 'natural'
    -should be distinguished from mere biological immaturity
  • evidence that childhood is socially constructed
    -differences in childhood between societies
    -differences in childhood over time
  • Benedict
    -found in simpler, non-industrial societies:
    > children have more responsibility
    > less value placed on children showing obedience to adults
    > children's sexual behaviour is viewed differently
    > expected behaviour of children less clearly separated from expected behaviour of adults
  • globalisation of western childhood
    -some sociologists argue western notions of childhood being globalised
    -international humanitarian aid & welfare agencies have exported & imposed western childhood on rest of world
  • criticism of welfare agencies imposing western childhood
    -ignores different cultural norms that see child labour as important preparation for adult life
  • Aries (1960)

    -argues in Middle Ages childhood didn't exist
    -as soon as passing age of physical dependency, children treated much the same as adults
  • Middle Ages
    -childhood & adulthood not clearly distinguished from each other
    -children had similar responsibilities to adults
    -work began at early age
    -no differences in legal rights
  • Shorter
    -parental attitudes very different to what they are today
    -high infant mortality rates encouraged indifference & neglect > especially towards infants
  • Aries - modern childhood emerging

    -from 13th century
    -schools began to specialise in education of the young
    -children's & adults clothing became more different
    -handbooks on childrearing became widely available (sign of child-centeredness)
    -developments led to 'cult of childhood'
  • Pollock criticising Aries
    -in Middle Ages society had different notion of childhood from today
    -childhood still existed
  • strength of Aries
    -shows childhood is socially constructed
    -demonstrates how ideas about children & their social status have varied over time