changes in children's position

Cards (9)

  • reasons for changes in positions of children
    -laws restricting child labour & excluding children from paid work
    -introduction of compulsory schooling
    -child protection & welfare legislation
    -growth of the idea of children's rights
    -declining family size & lower infant mortality rates
    -children's development became subject of medical knowledge
    -laws & policies that apply specifically to children
  • how did laws restricting child labour & excluding children from paid work change children's position?
    -no longer economic assets who earn wages
    -children become economic liability that're financially dependent on family
  • how did compulsory schooling change children's position?
    extended period of dependency
  • how did child protection & welfare legislation change children's position?
    -made welfare of children fundamental principle underpinning work of agencies such as social services
  • how did the growth of idea of children's rights change children's position?
    -the 'Children Act' defines parents as having 'responsibilities' rather than 'rights'
    -United Nations Convention on Rights of the Child lay down basic rights (entitlement to healthcare & education, protection from abuse, right to participate in decisions affecting them > custody cases)
  • how did declining family sizes & lower infant mortality rates change children's position?
    -encouraged parents to make greater financial & emotional investment in fewer children
    -child centeredness
  • how did children's development become subject to medical knowledge change children's position?
    -Donzelot observes how theories of child development began to appear from 19th century stressed that children need supervision & protection
  • how did laws & policies applying specifically to children change children's position?
    (such as minimum ages for wide range of activities, sex, smoking)
    -reinforced idea that children are different to adults
    -so different rules must apply
  • industrialisation
    -shift from agriculture to factory production as basis of economy
    -sociologists agree this process underlies many of the changes to children's position