
Cards (10)

  • Alveoli adaptations
    Increased SA for gaseous exchange Elastic fibers to expand/ stretch and recoil are thin- so short diffusion distance moisture allows gases to disolve during exchange
  • How does oxygen move from the alveolus to blood
    Diffusion out of the epithelial alveolus into the endothelium of capillary into the blood
  • Intercostal muscles during in/exhalation
    Inhalation: -Internal intercostal relax -External intercostal contract Exhalation: -Internal intercostal contract -External intercostal relax
  • Inspiration Mechanism
    Inspiration: Ribs- up and out Diaphragm- down (contracts) -Internal intercostal relaxes -External intercostal contracts -Thorax volume increases -Pressure decreses -Lungs Inflate- air rushes in down a pressure gradient
  • Exhalation mechanism
    -Ribs- down and in -Diaphragm- up (relax) -Internal intercostal- contract -External intercostal- relax -Thorax volume decreases -Pressure increases -Lungs deflate - air rushes out down a pressure gradient
  • Pulminary ventilation equation + definitions
    PV = Tidal volume x ventilation rate -PV- dm3/ min -Tidal volume- volume of air in each breath- dm3 -Ventilation rate- number of breaths per min /min -Forced expiration volume (FEV)- macimum air breathed out in a second -Forced vital capacity (FVC)- maximu volume of air forcefully breathed out after a deep breath
  • Positive Cooperativity
    -first o2 molecule binds -changes quaternary shape of haemoglobin portein -so this allows 2nd binding site to uncover
    -next o2 binds more easily
    -Fourth o2 binds but is more difficult as molecule is almost fully satuatred with o2
  • Describe how heomoglobin loads and unloads oxygen in the blood
    1- oxygen loads onto haemoglobin at high partial pressure
    2- in the lungs haemoglobin has high affinity for oxygen
    3 tissues have low partial pressure of oxygen as it has been used in respiration
    4- in tissues haemoglobin has a lower affinity for oxygen
    5- haemoglobin unloads oxugen at low partial pressures
  • Transport - Loading and unloading of O2
    In the lungs:
    -Co2 is constantly removed -the pH is slightly raised -so higher pH changes Hb shape -so it loads more easily (Hb affinity for o2 increased)
    In respiring tissues:
    -Co2 is being porduced in the cells -Th pH is lowered -Shape of Hb is changed -So Hb releases o2 more easily (lower affinity)
    -This triggers Hb to release O2 in respiring tissues
  • Ileum adaptations for absorption
    Microvilli give large surface area for diffusion - more transpoprt protiens thin walled - so short diffusion pathway and faster diffusion muscular to maintain conc gradient by mixing material to be absorbed + break apart bolus Good blood supply from many capillaries