Class Cephalopoda

Subdecks (3)

Cards (133)

  • Shell divided by septa, with chambers
    connected by the siphuncle
  • Siphuncle- refers to the internal tube
    that connects the chamber of the shell
  • In nautiloids, it runs in the center of the
    shell chamber while in ammonoids it is
    found along the outer edge of the shell.
  • Shell reduced or lost in many species.
  • Shell can be reduced: the internal shell
    of squids has a chitinous endoskeleton
    (plastic-like) called gladius or pen
    whereas cuttlefishes have a calcareous
  • Shell can be lost in octopus
  • Closed circulatory system
  • Blood remains inside the blood vessels
  • hemocyanin in blood
  • Hemocyanin
    • copper-containing pigment
  • Hemocyanin
    • can also be found in other invertebrates, mostly in arthropods (crustaceans)
  • Hemocyanin
    • Blueish when oxygenated and colorless when nonoxygenated.
  • Hemocyanin
    • The oxygen-carrying protein in the hemolymph of this group
  • Hemocyanin
    • Found in the liquid portion of their blood, it is extracellular.
  • complex chambered heart
    • 3 chambered with 2 auricles and 1 ventricle
  • Absence of cilia in gills
  • Gills- used primarily for gaseous
  • In other mollusks (bivalves and
    gastropods) the function of gills is to
    fold for respiration and filter feeding.
  • Once food is trapped by mucus in
    the gills, then moved by the mouth
    by the cilia.
  • Foot modified to form flexible arms and siphon
  • Octopus has 8 arms covered with
    suckers ventrally, wider at the base,
    gradually tapering
  • Octopus arms
    • Function: olfactory function, walking, grabbing prey, hanging not coral reefs
  • Superorder Octopodiformes
  • Ganglia fused to form a large brain encased in a cartilaginous cranium
  • Have well-developed sensory and motor
  • Considered to be the most cognitively
    advanced group of the invertebrates
  • Based on studies, they can solve
    complex puzzles and mazes, have
    elaborate courtship rituals, they can
    camouflage, and communicate by
    changing the color and pattern of their
  • Other characteristics: large, active
    predator that can swim above the sea
    floor to catch prey and avoid predators
  • Usually dioecious
  • spermatophore common
  • Spermatophore can also be produced
    by certain groups of fish
  • without larva
  • no trochophore
  • Chitinous beak/radula
    • Used to reduce large food
  • chromatophores/ink gland
    • Chromatophores – pigment cells for camouflage, can be used for identification purposes and communication between animals
  • chromatophores/ink gland
    • Ink gland – used to evade enemies, not only in squid but also in octopus and cuttlefish
  • They are Carnivorous
  • 17,000 named species of fossil cephalopods and 800 identified living species
  • Cephalopoda shell
  • Evolute
    • Coiled shell in which the whorls touch but do not overlap