Cards (8)

  • Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
    The concept that businesses have a responsibility that goes beyond making profits for their shareholders. Businesses need to monitor and take responsibility for the impact they have on both social welfare and the environment.
  • Some large organisations now audit relevant activities and make a corporate responsibility report available to the public
  • The standards in the area of corporate responsibility reporting are not universally established
  • There's no universal measure or standards, but a common goal amongst businesses is the UN Global Goals
  • Principality Building Society
    • One of the largest building societies in the UK
    • Being member owned, they have strong CSR principals
  • Social and environmental audits (SEAs) may address
    • How well do we ensure human rights?
    • Do we use suppliers who use child labour?
    • Do we discriminate when recruiting?
    • Do we pay the correct level of remuneration for the job?
    • How many women do we have in senior positions?
  • Acting ethically, unless required to do so by law
    Can negatively impact profitability
  • The impact of acting ethically will not always be negative