UNIT 3: Electron Configuration

Cards (24)

  • Electron Configuration
    ways in which e- are arranged in various orbitals.
  • How to find the Electron Configuration of atoms?
    Aufbau Principle
    Pauli Exclusion
    Hund's Rule
    1. Energy Level
    2. Energy Sublevel
    3. Number of electrons
    Label the following:
  • Quantum Mechanical Model determines the probability of finding an e- w/in a certain volume of space surrounding the nucleus (represented by a fuzzy cloud).
  • fixed energy = energy level
  • Excited State

    at what state is this atom?
  • Ground state

    at what state is this atom?
  • Orbitals
    region in space where there is a 90% probability of finding e-.
  • s-orbitals
    spherical shaped orbitals
  • p-orbitals
    dumbbell shaped orbitals
  • Aufbau Principle
    e- occupy the orbitals of lowest energy first.
  • Pauli Exclusion
    To occupy the same orbital, two e- must have opposite spins.
  • Hund's Rule
    e- will not join other e- in an orbital if an orbital of the same energy is available for occupancy.
  • Example of Exceptional Electron Configuration
  • Quantum Numbers
    1. Principal
    2. Azimuthal
    3. Magnetic
    4. Spin
  • No. of orbitals each sublevel:
    s = 1
    p = 3
    d = 5
    f = 7
  • No. of maximum electrons each sublevels:
    s = 2
    p = 6
    d = 10
    f = 14
  • indicates the main energy level
    Principal Quantum #s
  • indicates the shape of the orbital.
    Azimuthal Quantum #s
  • indicates the orientation of an orbital.
    Magnetic Quantum #s
  • indicates the orientation of the e- spin.
    Spin Quantum #s
  • Values of Quantum #s:
    1. Principal = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
    2. Azimuthal = 0, 1, 2, 3
    3. Magnetic = -l, ..., +l
    4. Spin = -1/2, +1/2
  • Paramagnetic
    has unpaired e-.
  • Diamagnetic
    always has paired e-.