Cards (28)

  • nucleoid region

    irregularly shaped, contains the bacterial chromosome, circle DS DNA
  • size of bacterial genome
    130kb - 14 Mb
  • fluoroquidone antibiotics
    inhibit DNA gyrase enzyme to stop DNA coiling for packaging
  • Plasmids
    additional to chromosome DNA , extra small and circular ds DNA pieces in cytoplasm.
  • what do plasmids carry genes for
    not essential but may be useful for advantage - antibiotic resistance, virulence genes
  • insertion sequence
    small fragment of DNA, carry genes for encoding enzymes for transposition of DNA
  • Transposition
    moving of DNA between DNA/plasmid segments
  • transposon
    larger DNA fragment carry structural genetic info flanked by insertion sequences
  • integron
    genetic element with ability to capture genes (usually in structural segment of transposon)
  • promotor sequence
    promotes transcription of genes into integral
  • bacteria selection pressures (make them replicate fast)

    host immunity, antibiotics selecting for resistance, other organisms in microbiome
  • 2 mechanisms of genetic variation
    horizontal gene transfer and vertical inheritance of random mutations
  • bacili
    rod shaped bacteria
  • vertical inheritance of mutations in bacteria
    low frequency but rapidly replicating so have lots
  • types of DNA mutations in bacteria (vertical)
    point mutations (single nt) and DNA rearrangements (insertion, inversion, deletion)
  • mutation outmodes (vertical inheritance)
    deleterious - die out, beneficial - advantage for function so selective, neutral or silent - no effect on phenotype
  • mechanisms of horizontal gene transfer in bacteria
    bacterial transformation, transduction, conjugation
  • bacterial transformation
    donor bacteria dies, release DNA into environments and other bacteria pick up floating DNA, then recombined into recipient cell chromosome
  • some bacteria is programmed to kill cells and then waits to pick up their released DNA
  • bacterial conjugation
    sex pills move between cells and exchange genetic material, move across through the plasma (DNA comes from transposon)
  • bacterial transduction
    bacteriophage virus infected bacterial cell, lands and injects NA into cell which replicates in bacterium. Then released and goes on a infect another cell but has picked up some of DNA from last cell by accident
  • obligate aerobe - aerobic bacteria
    require oxygen
  • facultative anaerobe 

    don't require oxygen but grow better in its presence
  • aerotolerant anaerobe

    grow equally well in oxygen or without
  • obligate anaerobe
    killed by oxygen
  • gram positive cocci - chains and pairs

    streptococcus and enterococcus
  • gram positive cocci - clusters

  • mycobacterium TB staining
    doesn't stain well with gram stain due to waxy coat, use acid fast stain instead