Specific tenancy form and function, Branding and style, Internal services requirements such as Air Con, Mech Exhaust, Fire services, Electrical, data, comms, Sewer and Trade waste drainage
Provide perimeter walls, concrete floor, drainage point, water supply, gas, open plan layout Fire and Mech services, electrical supply and data/phone lines
Internal walls, extending walls full height, ceilings and shopfront, Floor finishes, All Internal services design and reticulation, Signage, furniture, equipment
Works that the Landlord retains quality control of the building structure, such as in-ground drainage, structural amendments, re-arranging fire and mech services, Electrical upgrade, Roof penetrations
Tenancy design is assessed against the base building provision for that space so that anything required beyond the base building obligations can be accounted for
Paths of travel and maximum egress distances, Fire hydrant and fire hose reel coverage, Smoke exhaust and make up air requirements, Fire rating requirements, Electrical maximum demand, Slab design loads and coordination of any structural alterations, Hydraulic services, Roof penetrations
Includes specific requirements of finish, lighting, signage and the processes for approval of design, Contains a Lessee/Lessor works demarcation schedule
Major tenants and some national brand minor tenants write their own specific requirements into a lease deal and the base building design is amended to suit, The Lessee/Lessor works schedule accounts for variations in tenancy type
Major tenants and some national brand minor tenants write their own specific requirements into a lease deal and the base building design is amended to suit
The leasing strategy is reflected on the MLP which informs the Construction design. If lease deals change the strategy then construction design needs to be updated to suit
Standard tenancy fitout durations can be forecast to understand the latest dates that design changes can be made without impacting the delivery program