Head - Cephalic, Forehead - Frontal, Eye - Orbital, Nose - Nasal, Mouth - Oral, Ear - Otic, Cheek - Buccal, Chin - Mental
Neck - Cervical
Thoracic - Thorax, Chest - Pectoral, Breastbone - Sternal, Breast - Mammary
Abdomen - Abdominal, Navel - Umbilical, Pelvis - Pelvic, Groin - Inguinal, Genital - Pubic
Collarbone - Clavicular, Armpit - Axillary, Arm - Brachial, Front of elbow - Antecubital, Forearm - Antebrachial
Hand - Manual, Wrist - Carpal, Palm - Palmar, Fingers - Digital
Hip - Coxal, Thigh - Femoral, Kneecap - Patellar, Leg - Crural
Foot - Pedal, Ankle - Talus, Top of foot - Dorsum, Toes - Digital
Skull - Cranial, Base of Skull - Occipital, Back of Neck - Nuchal
Back - Dorsal, Shoulder blade - Scapular, Spinal Column - Vertebral, Lumbar, Loin
Between hips - Sacral, Buttock - Gluteal, Perineum - Perineal
Point of shoulder - Acromial, Point of elbow - Olecranon, Back of hand - Dorsum
Hollow behind knee - Popliteal, Calf - Sural, Sole - Plantar, Heel - Calcaneal