Misleading information

    Cards (6)

    • Misleading Information A01 - Leading Questions
      Questions that are worded to suggest a particular answer.
      ·  Response Bias – influences the kind of answer given but has no affect on the memory of an event.
      ·  Substitution explanation – interferes with the original memory to distort the accuracy.
    • Misleading Information A01 - Post event information
      Information given after an event with potential to influence memory of it.
    • Misleading Information A01 - Case study
      · Gabbert Et Al (2003) – paired participants watching a crime together but filmed so each person could see events the other could not – discussion between them after film – 71% of participants wrongly recalled events and included events they heard in discussion and not seen in video.
    • Misleading Information A03 - Loftus and Palmer (1974)

      · 45 students watching film clips of car accidents and given a questionnaire – critical question – ‘how fast were the cars going before they hit each other’ – five groups of participants replaced with different words (bumped, contacted, collided, smashed).
      · Results – ‘contacted’ gave mean average of 31.8mph‘smashed’ gave mean average 40.5mph – leading question suggesting faster speeds.
    • Misleading Information A03 - Real world application
      · Loftus (1975) – argues police officers should be careful when phrasing questions towards witnesses – could become leading and its distorting effects.
      · Psychologists are sometimes expert witnesses in trials – explaining limits to EWT to juries.
      · Psychologists can improve how the legal system works – protecting the innocent from faulty convictions – EWT unreliable.
    • Misleading Information A03 - Lindsay (1990)
      · Shows a series of slides to participants – man steals from office – given an account of the crime after with misleading info – given a questionnaire and told not to pay attention to the account and to rely on own memory.
      · Influenced by the post event information – changes the way memory is stored and isn’t just about retrieval.
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