Research on leadingquestions:Loftus and Palmers Experiment
45 Participants watched film clips of car accidents
Participants were asked a critical question about the speed of the cars using different verbs (hit, contacted, bumped, collided, smashed)
Mean estimated speed was calculated for each participant group.
verb contacted mean estimated speed of 31.8mph. verb smashed mean of 40.5.
Leading question biased the eyewitnesses recall of an event.
• important practical use in the criminal justice system.
• The consequence of interact, AWT can be very serious
• Loftus believes that leading questions can have such distorting effects on memory, that police officers need to be careful how they phrase their questions when interviewing witnesses.
• this shows that psychologists can help improve the legal system works.
• EWT is more accurate for some aspects of an event than for others.
• Sutherland and Hayne showed participants a video clip.
• When asked misleading questions, the recall was more accurate for central details than peripheral ones.
Suggest that original memories for central detail survived